GDC is just around the corner, so let’s remember why we love it so much. Check out a recording of a talk by Naughty Dog’s Edward Pereira who discussed different physical elements behind Uncharted 4’s 4×4. The physics there was just amazing, and it’s your perfect chance to get a closer look.
“In this 2017 GDC talk, Naughty Dog’s Edward Pereira breaks down individual physical elements that went into Uncharted 4’s 4×4, such as tire collision response and the motor simulation, then explains how Naughty Dog tuned it to handle the rugged terrain of Madagascar,” states the description.
You can find more GDC talks here. Make sure to discuss the topic in the comments below.
Unkempt Flagstones with Mud and Grass Material by Stan Brown is a versatile ground material with many options to change and randomize the Grass, Mud, and Tiles. Custom Alphas can be plugged into the sbsar node, to control the shape of the stone.
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© a.sergeev for 80lvl, 2019. |
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