Now is time to make a good full backup of the current state, from tomorrow 10 / January / 2019 begins the beta phase.
Sometimes it seems like a lot of developer time is lost correcting flaws in other people’s programs …
Now I’ve got this custom RSS Feed connected here, so if I read anything interesting, I give the article a like and it will be shared directly here. I still have plenty of fixes and improvements, to do but for now it’s good to know it’s working.
At first, it seemed to be an easy ride, get the Amazon AWS Free Tier to connect with my domain, setup the DNS server to the Web Server, install any freeware CMS or perhaps build/compile some open source basic website management, publish whatever I want to my domain, profit!
What I mean is “If I want to…”: publish a small game =; share a game source code = GitHub; talk about the development = Blog; share a small prototype = ?; broadcast live the gamedev = Twitch; share videos of the gamedev = Youtube; and so on….