Nintendo Labo is Nintendo’s attempt to make a creative project where kids (and adults, alike) can build a project and then use, what they call, the ToyCon (the proprietary games in Nintendo Labo series) to experience a new play style, integrating the ToyCon and the projects you built – implementing the JoyCon’s ability to vibrate and sense how close objects are. Though very little ToyCon sets have released, they have come out with some interesting concepts, such as controlling a Giant Robot (which was originally planned to be on the Wii U, using the Wii U Gamepad. I’m much happier with a giant mech suit that you can wear) to a Piano, that uses the JoyCon’s infrared to sense how far away the lowered key is being pressed, and it does work, a little too well. This morning Nintendo of America announced that they will be bringing ToyCon 04: Labo VR Kit to the public, rather soon, next month in April.
Source: Nintendo Labo VR Page
The Labo VR Starter Set will include the VR Goggles and the Blaster projects for you to build. If you desire, you can also purchase the the two expansion kits separately. The two expansions offered are Expansion Set 01 – which includes the Camera and the Elephant VR Experience or the Expansion Set 02 – which includes the Bird and the Wind Pedal VR Experience. You can also buy all of these kits in one big box with the Labo VR Complete Kit. The prices for the ToyCon sets are as follows. Starter Set $40 USD, VR Kit $80 USD with the Expansion Sets being $20 USD each (with Australia normally being the USD price + an approximate 40% markup to calculate the likely AUD price.) So currently, you don’t save anything if you buy them all separately or all together, though this could change in the future. If you’d like to out find more about the Labo VR Kit, you can do so on Nintendo of America’s Official Website.
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