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Free Seamless PBR Denim Material 80lvl

Pete Mc Nally has shared a free realistic seamless 4096×4096 denim material comprised of Albedo, Normal, Roughness, AO and Height maps.

This material is said to cover a surface of about 30x30cm in real-world terms. The artist created it using a photometric stereo pipeline. Banner images rendered in real-time in Marmoset Toolbag 3.

“This can be tiled as a base and painted over or used as a detail pass, works well when multiplied with colour, with vertex colors or just on its own. Packed as a ZIP file containing 5 high-quality jpegs and a Toolbag 3 material with suggested shading parameters.”

The material is free to download but you can always buy the artist a coffee if you find it useful.

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