- the article presents an overview of Vulkan barriers and shows how different barriers influence a PowerVR chip’s ability to overlap work

- the second part of the series presents how to overlap work from two consecutive frames by submitting each frame to its own queue

- the blog post presents how to use the Intel Embree library to generate a BVH tree for use with a GPU raytracer
- offers performance and memory comparisons for the different quality modes available

- the article present how the food in ‘Ratatouille’ was shaded based on the skin model
- using a subsurface scattering approximation on a voxel grid
- artists were given much control over the final more stylized appearance

- the Unity tutorial explains how to add an outline to a 2D sprite
- implemented using 8 extra texture samples around the shading point
- additional presents a way to make the outline size independent of the sprite size

- collection of tweets related to VFX, shaders, and game art

- the Unity tutorial explains how to create basic compute shaders
- shows how to use a compute shade to generate random positions in a sphere and use these position from the CPU to render meshes

- This Unity tutorial shows how to pass data from the Shuriken Particle System to the particle shader

- the article provides a high-level explanation of the Vulkan API concepts required to render a single triangle on the screen
- contains well-documented example implementations to clarify some ideas through code examples

- open source D3D11 implementation of the paper presented at EGSR 2020 “A Scalable and Production Ready Sky and Atmosphere Rendering Technique”

- the blog posts list a few possible drawbacks that need to be considered if a mix of dedicated GPU and integrated GPU is supposed to be used in a single application
- a small shader example that shows that texture channels can be reserved to allow objects to change color dynamically at runtime

Thanks to Erika for support of this series.
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Source : https://www.jendrikillner.com/post/graphics-programming-weekly-issue-142/