How Can We Help?
Force custom avatar in Top Admin Bar instead of Gravatar
Locate folder/file : WP-INCLUDES / ADMIN-BAR.PHP .
Search for “howdy”.
Replace the line before where says $avatar.
/* translators: %s: current user's display name */ //$avatar = get_avatar( $user_id, 001 ); $avatar = "<img alt='' src='/wp-content/uploads/YourAvatar.jpg' class='avatar photo' >";
To fix the big avatar on mouse hover, in the same file search for $user_info = get_avatar and edit the line like this:
//$user_info = get_avatar( $user_id, 64 ); $user_info = "<img alt='' src='/wp-content/uploads/YourAvatar.jpg' class='avatar photo' >";