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Disable EpicGamesLauncher when closing the editor
Everytime you open the UnrealEditor it launches the EpicGamesLauncher.exe too, to disable this behaviour:
Engine Version : 4.23.1
File : \Unreal\UE_4.23\Engine\Source\Editor\UnrealEd\Private\EditorEngine.cpp
Line : 617
Comment out this lines:
ILauncherPlatform* LauncherPlatform = FLauncherPlatformModule::Get();
if (LauncherPlatform != NULL )
FOpenLauncherOptions SilentOpen;
//ILauncherPlatform* LauncherPlatform = FLauncherPlatformModule::Get();
//if (LauncherPlatform != NULL )
// FOpenLauncherOptions SilentOpen;
// LauncherPlatform->OpenLauncher(SilentOpen);
Other engine versions is similar, search for “ILauncherPlatform” .