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CMD Batch – Registry Take Ownership, Backup ACL, Delete Key
Get the SetACL – program.
Select 32/64 bit SetACL.EXE .
Create a new file RegOwnFix.BAT in the same folder.
Paste and save the code below.
Run RegOwnFix.bat as Admin.
Choose the settings (take, delete, backup).
Paste the complete key path that you want to take ownership.
@ECHO OFF TITLE RegOwnFix FOR /F "tokens=1,2*" %%V IN ('bcdedit') DO SET adminTest=%%V IF (%adminTest%)==(Access) goto noAdmin CD /D "%~dp0%" SET _DEL= SET _BKB= SET _BKA= FOR /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a IN ('wmic OS Get localdatetime /value') DO SET "dt=%%a" SET "YY=%dt:~2,2%" & SET "YYYY=%dt:~0,4%" & SET "MM=%dt:~4,2%" & SET "DD=%dt:~6,2%" SET "HH=%dt:~8,2%" & SET "Min=%dt:~10,2%" & SET "Sec=%dt:~12,2%" SET "BKF=%YYYY%-%MM%-%DD%_%HH%-%Min%-%Sec%" SET BKReady=FALSE :intro CLS ECHO ================================================================================ ECHO RegOwnFix - DIY Registry Permission Unfuckery Tool ECHO ================================================================================ ECHO Settings: ECHO [X] Take registry key ownership and full control (always on) IF "%_DEL%"=="" ( ECHO [ ] 1. Delete key after ownership ) ELSE ( ECHO [X] 1. Delete key after ownership ) IF "%_BKB%"=="" ( ECHO [ ] 2. Backup key before ownership ) ELSE ( ECHO [X] 2. Backup key before ownership ) IF "%_BKA%"=="" ( ECHO [ ] 3. Backup key after ownership ) ELSE ( ECHO [X] 3. Backup key after ownership ) ECHO. ECHO Type X to close the tool. CHOICE /C 123SX /D S /T 10 /N /M "Type 1/2/3 to change settings or press S to start. (default S in 10 secs)" IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 3 GOTO setBKA IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 2 GOTO setBKB IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 1 GOTO setDEL IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 4 GOTO setup IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 5 GOTO end GOTO end :setup IF "%_BKB%"=="X" ( GOTO mkBKPFolder ) IF "%_BKA%"=="X" ( GOTO mkBKPFolder ) :rtnmkBKP GOTO askkey :askkey SET _reg="" ECHO. ECHO Paste the complete key address to take ownership or leave empty to end. REM ECHO Press ENTER to continue SET /P _reg=Enter the next key: IF "%_reg%"=="""" ( GOTO end ) set _reg=%_reg:Computer\=% set _regf=%_reg:\=_% set _regf=%_reg:\=!% GOTO runacl :runacl ECHO ________________________________________________________________________________ ECHO Starting... IF "%_BKB%"=="X" ( GOTO doBKB ) :rtnBKB ECHO - Taking ownership. SetACL.exe -ot reg -actn setowner -ownr "n:Administrators" -on "%_reg%" SetACL.exe -ot reg -actn ace -ace "n:Administrators;p:full" -on "%_reg%" IF "%_BKA%"=="X" ( GOTO doBKA ) :rtnBKA IF "%_DEL%"=="X" ( GOTO doDEL ) :rtnDEL ECHO Done. ECHO ________________________________________________________________________________ GOTO askkey :setDEL IF "%_DEL%"=="" ( SET _DEL=X) ELSE ( SET _DEL=) GOTO intro :setBKB IF "%_BKB%"=="" ( SET _BKB=X) ELSE ( SET _BKB=) GOTO intro :setBKA IF "%_BKA%"=="" ( SET _BKA=X) ELSE ( SET _BKA=) GOTO intro :doDEL ECHO - Deleting the key. REG DELETE "%_reg%" /f GOTO rtnDEL :doBKB ECHO - Backup before. POWERSHELL "Get-Acl -Path Registry::%_reg: =` % | Format-List" > ".\%BKF%\Before_%_regf%.acl.txt" REG EXPORT "%_reg%" ".\%BKF%\Before_%_regf%.reg" /y GOTO rtnBKB :doBKA ECHO - Backup after. POWERSHELL "Get-Acl -Path Registry::%_reg: =` % | Format-List" > ".\%BKF%\After_%_regf%.acl.txt" REG EXPORT "%_reg%" ".\%BKF%\After_%_regf%.reg" /y GOTO rtnBKA :mkBKPFolder IF "%BKReady%"=="TRUE" ( GOTO setup ) SET BKReady=TRUE mkdir .\%BKF% GOTO rtnmkBKP :bkinfo ECHO. ECHO Your backup files are ready at: ECHO %cd%\%BKF% GOTO rtnbkinfo :noAdmin echo Current user permissions to execute this .BAT file are inadequate. echo This .BAT file must be run with administrative privileges. echo Exit now, right click on this .BAT file, and select "Run as administrator". pause >nul :end IF "%BKReady%"=="TRUE" ( GOTO bkinfo ) :rtnbkinfo SET _reg= SET _regf= SET BKF= SET BKReady= SET BKInfo= SET _DEL= SET _BKB= SET _BKA= SET dt= SET YY= SET YYYY= SET MM= SET DD= SET HH= SET Min= SET Sec= ECHO. TITLE Command Prompt ECHO ============================== RegOwnFix Closing ==============================