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Inoreader RSS connected

I use a lot of News Reader, since the first websites that support RSS Feeds I’ve got hooked and loved it, I could say for sure that it’s my main form of browsing the web.

From a long time I used the Google Reader until it got closed, then forgot about RSS Feeds for a long time, after a while I lerned about Feedly and start to use a lot but the lack of customization bothered me until something happened in 2017 that made me give up and move to Inoreader since then I’m really happy, one feature that I really like is to be able to share directly in a new and custom RSS Feed source.

Now I’ve got this custom RSS Feed connected here, so if I read anything interesting, I give the article a like and it will be shared directly here. I still have plenty of fixes and improvements, to do but for now it’s good to know it’s working.


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