Today I’m celebrating the Official Launch date!
After a year operating on Beta status, working to get everything running smooth and stable, I think is finally the time to update the status of website to full production.
Almost 1.000 posts, almost 8.000 views and 3.000+ unique visitors, little offline shortages, full backup solution, integrated RSS Feed reader, OpenGraph working for shared links on social media, stable AWS server with good monthly costs, that’s all that I was looking for when I started, so I’m very happy with the results and workflows.
There is still a lot more to improve and evolve, but for now, for the first year I would say it was a great success.
I did expected to post a lot more in 2019 but is hard to have good material while studing the basics of Unreal Engine 4 but maybe in 2020 with my current experience and studies I’ll be able to produce and share more details here.